Zoom Yoga & Guided Meditation

Virtual Bedtime Yoga & Meditation

Our next free Zoom Bedtime Yoga + Meditation will be on: Sunday, February 2nd at 8:30 – 9:00pm EST

Join me for an evening of gentle yoga, breathwork and a mindfulness meditation that will prepare your mind and body to fall asleep and stay asleep with ease – all from the comfort of your own home! This virtual event will be the perfect way to wind down and release after a long day. No experience necessary – if you can breath you can do yoga!

I encourage any donations you’d like to make to go to our local charity, Hope House.

Hope House offers practical, community solutions to reduce the negative impact of poverty. The winter and holiday season is one of the most struggling times for those who are unhoused and undernourished.

Sign up through Event Brite here: https://bedtimeyogaandmeditationwithjess.eventbrite.ca

Please see below for the Zoom Link. The same Zoom link will be e-mailed to you in your reminder email 2 days before the class.

Bedtime Yoga + Meditation with Jess
Time: Feb 2, 2025 08:30 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 535 945 3760
Passcode: rVhBj8


Please e-mail me – Jess Sgrignoli at Jess@journeytowholeness.ca if you have any questions at all.