Yoga Musical Journey

Yoga Musical Journey– A unique and transformational experience!

                                                        Beginner Friendly
                                                  Join me for an 8- Week Series,
                                   featuring the Instrumental Heart Music of Tom Higson
                                                                 Wed. Feb. 27th- April 24th, 7:30pm-8:30pm.
Completely nourish the body, mind and soul through breath-synchronized flow movements, interweaving Yoga philosophy, breathwork, intentional mantra and heart opening meditations, all synergized by the musical vibrations of Heart Musician, Tom Higson. Leave feeling deeply restored and uplifted in spirit! All original music inspired by Renaissance, Classical and Free Form, all brought together on the Twelve-string guitar, Octave Mandolin and Renaissance Lute. Energize and deepen your experience through the magical synergy of breath, movement and sound- A Yoga class like no other!
                                                                                             Payment Options:
                                                                                 $96 for 8 Weeks ($12/class)
                                                       Come with a friend – Each pay $80 for 8 Weeks ($10/class)
                                                                                                  Drop in- $15
                     To register for pre-payment please call (519) 362-7919 or e-mail. Register today! Class size is limited.
                                                                                     Accepting Cash or Cheque
Mail to:
Jessica Sgrignoli
80 Brentwood Dr.
Guelph, Ont.
N1H 5M7
                                              Location: FloSpace (Trina Koster Photography) 260 Waterloo St., Guelph



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